Machine Speed: 20-30 pouch /minute. (Depends on materials & weight)
Req. Power: 3.5 HP Single Phase.
Electric control: with PLC & HMI (DELTA)
Machine Size: 2.5 x 2.8 x 10 (feet) with auger.
Weight: 50 gm to 250 gm (Depend on Material)
Width of Roll: 160 mm to 300 mm. (Roll max weight – 8 kg)
Packing material: LDPE, BOPP, OPP plain roll (Req. heat seal material)
Eye mark system and batch codding optional if required.
Hopper for material: 5 kg (Big hopper optional extra)
Center sealing of pouch.
Machine weight: @400 kg (Approximate)
All contact parts of SS
Warranty: 9 Month on Main motor, drive, PLC & HMI
Pouch length Adjustable by HMI
Batch counter: Adjustable by HMI
Pouch counting by HMI
Telephonic service free for life time (Monday to Saturday 9 AM to 6 PM, Sunday Weekly off) service will be discontinue if you use other company’s spare in this machine.
Spare Available any time.
Payable service available any time
Easy to operate & low maintenance.
No required any technical Person for Machine operating.